“Whatever your story, let it bring healing and relief to your life, like it has mine.”



My first four books were about living with and coping with Bipolar Disorder. I discovered that I had been Bipolar-2 for more than 50 years after my 14 year daughter was hit with a variety of mental health challenges.

My next books were lighter, in tone. Bus Biz is about my 8 years experience driving a school bus. I also have driven larger motor coaches, usually college sports teams. The most fun is taking senior citizens on 4-day trips to Branson, MO. Great shows, great food and marvelous tips!

Read what the Des Moines Register had to say about James here.


Motivational Speaker.

Writing books has led to speaking engagements. My ‘talks’ have met with good-sized crowds with many questions about mental health. Sometimes I feel like a therapist, when, in fact, I am just one of 6 million Americans that struggle with bipolar disorder. 

My biggest ‘unveil’ is the fact that you can live a productive life with Bipolar Disease. It sure would have been nice to get this under control earlier in my life, but it is what it is

My “talk” is like nothing you have heard before. Army boot camp, followed by Navy boot camp? Lone wolf activities? Thinking I was someone else? Working 58 jobs and never being satisfied? 

Now that the stigma hurdle has been jumped, I can talk about the awkward times. 


James is on Amazon, both in paperback and e-books.

See the Des Moines Register article about James — Writing About Mental Illness, Therapeutic for Ankeny Man

This is my first book and also a current podcast. It is a label I gave myself to describe where I was at in my life. Self-published on Amazon.

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Following five years of driving a school bus, along with four years of driving a motor coach (tour bus) on weekends, I decided to write about what I saw through the windows.

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'Straggler' was developed following a school bus return trip to retrieve an elementary student who missed the first bus.

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